Launch of a new market study dedicated to dry bulk traffic opportunities
Launch of a new market study dedicated to dry bulk traffic opportunities
New contract for a ferry terminal design in France
Research for a new tender of a mineral seaport terminal in the Western France
Launch of a new market study dedicated to dry bulk traffic opportunities
New study to evaluate the commercial interest of a new developement of infrastructure capacity in Western France SeaPort
Launch of a new study to market and manage specalised ship and barge
Launch of a new mission to transfer waterway port terminals to operators
Launch of a new market study for a new container inland terminal
Launch of a new market study focused on refrigerated product maritime transport and sea port business strategy
New evaluation study focused on social and economic impact of sea ports and a proposal of a list of sustainable development indicators to produce
Aéroports Français
Ports Français
Ports Européens
Transports UK
Ministère des Transports
Freight Transport Association UK
Voies Navigables de France
Rail Freight Group UK
Logistique France - ASLOG
The Institute of Logistics & Transport
European Logistics Association
Banque Mondiale
World Tourism Organization
U.K Statistics
U.K Customs